Friday, February 3, 2017

The Contagion of Peace

There is an addiction to peace which comes when we practice it so naturally, we do not allow anything else in our individual lives.

We gravitate naturally toward peace when the feeling of disruption becomes too painful.

We look for ways to cultivate it in our life.

Once we have a train of thought which moves towards peace, it attracts more and more peaceful moments.

At some point, it just feels weird to have something other than peace come up.

A truly peaceful mind establishes a truly peaceful life.

I am grateful when someone reminds me of the availability of peace.

I am also glad when I can share the peace I am feeling.

I love it when a movement toward peace begins.

That means that peace has become a consensus in the minds of enough people that it is a natural goal and a natural way to proceed.

Enough people practicing and sharing peace makes it a kind of contagion in which we do want to participate.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

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