Thursday, January 31, 2019

In the Same Country - Between Two Worlds

During my husband’s seasonal business, we return to the large city where we raised our family.

The rest of the time, we live in a small rural community a few hundred miles away.

Surrounded by the rich mix of ethnicities and races, I am comforted once again, seeing the daily interactions of all of us.

On the phone to arrange for some house maintenance in our small town setting, I was reminded of the sheltered and insulated life of some of our neighbors.

Through my work as a teacher, I have been able to expand the horizons of many of my students.

Some of them are willing to consider a new point of view from a trusted teacher.

As an adult, in some conversations, in some settings, I have been able to share my point of view which is influenced through my life experiences.

I realize that all of us are living out our viewpoints according to our life experiences.

I am hopeful that more people will be able to expand their viewpoints through new experiences  instead of reinforcing limited and fearful ones.

When I am around such limited viewpoints, I am troubled because I have no idea how expansion can occur.

It seems that over time, some progress is being made, then a backlash occurs, and the progress has to be reinforced all over again.

i continue to write and compose songs for children and to share what I can.

I know there are thousands of other people do this every day and I am so very grateful.

Reducing the fear that limits people is a worthy goal.

In spite of the backlash, I am glad there is as much evidence of progress as there is.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

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