Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Fabric of Character

Every time you make a judgement or evaluation you are weaving the fabric of your character.

I am learning to be more compassionate and less judgmental because I do not know what other people are facing.

Since I have had many things to face and overcome, I can assume that others do, too.

By expressing more compassion, patience and understanding, I am making room for solutions.

When I make a judgement or evaluation, I am locking a person into standards which may have nothing whatsoever to do with their situation.

By being more supportive in my own thought, I am part of an uplifting atmosphere.

I can temper my view from looking at the outside appearance to being more aware of the kinds of circumstances that many people find themselves in.

Everything is connected.

Can I do more to support those who are facing hard times?

Can I volunteer, make a donation?

Can I support changes in public policy which will allow everyone to take good care of themselves?

My work is involved with uplifting thought and practice through my writing and fabric design projects.

When I listen within and withhold judgement, I am open to ways I can contribute to solutions.

I am weaving a better kind of fabric of character for myself.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

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