Sunday, August 5, 2018

Current of Awareness

What I choose to be aware of controls my life.

If I am only feeding my mental life through the media, I am missing out on what my soul-life has to offer me.

By becoming aware of my inner guidance and my ability to listen within, I take back control of my mind, and therefore, of my life.

I become aware of a much greater power within me.

It is a power to focus on the guidance which is coming from within, rather than the pressure of harassment from without.

It is an awareness that there is more to life than what I feel through the five senses.

There is more depth and more liberation.

My life and my mind are my own, not a place for a power and influence grab.

I have an awareness which is always active within me.

It keeps me from getting too distracted for very long and pulls me back on my own path.

I am part of a much greater world than the one addressed by the media.

My world within connects with everyone who has this awareness.

It is a power beyond what economics and politics can grab.

It is a permanent and calming presence.

It connects my individuality with the uniqueness and expression of those who are taking control of their own lives.

We connect in a particular way which achieves its own recognition.

We attract and connect with those who are listening and awakening from within.

Our awareness is growing and is affecting a large movement of individuals who value themselves differently.

This is a kind of awareness which is constantly available to comfort and to calm from within.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

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