Monday, August 13, 2018

Moving Past Futility

I am finding access to new habits which have been blocked for me.

I realize I am moving past the futility which was built into my childhood.

I am able to get simple things done which were always treated as punishment.

I am sensing a kind of order which is deeper than what could be treated as punishment.

My sense of order is being achieved with my own deep sense of identity and my right and freedom to express myself.

As I began cultivating what I love to do, I have given myself permission to be a person who is loved.

My true respect for myself, for going deeply into who I truly am, is giving me a balance and order which I welcome.

I can do my daily and weekly chores without feeling hemmed in by someone else’s definition of me.

I have my own identity, even when it comes to chores.

I have my own rhythm, and I can proceed in a way that makes sense to me to get the job done.

I have the same happy feeling now, doing chores in my gentle way, as I do when I am working on a creative project.

My life has a new balance, where there is a gentle flow and everything gets done.

The great ravages of strength I used to employ are no longer necessary.

I have defeated my adversary.

I am in charge of my own life.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

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